Relax, It'll happen...

A couple trying to become a family. Finally pregnant after infertility & IVF...slowly getting used to the idea that we may actually have the baby we've been dreaming of.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Still tags and all

I'm still here, just haven't had much to write about. I guess the main thing that I've been up to is being pregnant. And since I can only say so much about that I've been quiet. I religously read everyone elses blogs, but haven't been very good with my own.

Today I am 18w3d.

I look quite pregnant and feel fine. I've developed a fair amount of odd pregnancy symptons. I have no cravings, no aversions, no odd dreams. Instead I get a bloody nose - last week I blead heavily for over an hour. We were thinking of going to the ER, but the very last place I wanted to be on a Sat night was the emergency room, so I took matters into my own hands and packed it by pushing gauze way up there with a q-tip. Not pleasent, but it did the trick. I have hair growing on my belly. I had a skin tag grow right next to my nipple - this was bothersome to me, so I was going to cut off with a scalple but couldn't find one at home - so I was going to cut it off at work the next day. I must have scared it because the next day it fell off . My normally very straight hair is turning curly. I think that I have fully developed the pregnant brain-I was scheduled off last Monday, but went to work...the irony is that I am the one who makes the schedule.

I had a quickie ultrasound at work so we could go on a "penis hunt". We hunted but did not find, so as far as we could tell she's a girl!!! However, I go for my ultrasound with the perinatologist on Thursday. We are not taking the girl news as official until someone who actually know what they are looking at does the ultrasound (at work these people look at hearts not babies).

I've gained 8 pounds since becoming pregnant. T says it looks like a lot more....REALLY!?!? he actually said that out loud? Then yesterday 2 woman from work asked how much I had gained and I told them and they said the same thing " are you sure, looks like more". The 8 pounds is not counting the bonus weight of 8 pounds put on during the 12 months of fertility treatment and the IVF cycle. But really, who says that? Today I was in Motherhood and got stuck in a tank top...thats right, stuck. I finally managed to get out of it without having to ask for assistance - which I did consider. So, maybe everyone has a point, maybe I am looking like a bus. I'm good with that, I'd rather be here and getting fat, than not here.

This is T's birthday week. I went out shopping today to get the 7 presents that I will need. 20 year old port, wallet, map, running socks, running shorts and shirt, and a journal.

I've started scrapbooking. I have 3 pages of the baby book done. I ran out of things to put in it. You can really sink a lot of $$ into this hobby, but I like it....cutting, pasting - I find it relaxing and cool to be able to be creative. As soon as we know the sex of the little monkey I will start knitting a blankie...


At 7:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooh, I wish you'd find a place to post your scrapbook pages. I want to try and put Sloopy's u/s pics on a page but can't get started. I need inspiration.

As for the weight, At 18 wks I had gained ten pounds and was actually surprised it was so little. I think it looks like more on me. Maybe because it's just such a sudden weight gain. Or screw everybody.

At 11:43 PM, Blogger Portlairge said...

I'm with Wavery on needing inspriation for scrapbooking. Can you post a photo. Glad things are going well. My husband said "now that your belly's getting bigger-your bum looks smaller"- Yes he said it out loud. It made me laugh but I warned him he might not get the same response the next time so he's better tread carefully.

At 8:41 AM, Blogger Kristi said...

Yay! So glad to hear everything is going well for you. I'm at 19w3d and have gained 8 pounds so far as well, although it certainly looks and feels like a whole lot more. Although, oddly, my belly looks bigger looking down on it, then looking sideways at it in a mirror. I've always wanted to try my hand at scrapbooking, but never gave it a try. I agree with the others-post a picture!

At 1:33 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

I can't wait to find out what you're having. How did it go today?


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