Relax, It'll happen...

A couple trying to become a family. Finally pregnant after infertility & IVF...slowly getting used to the idea that we may actually have the baby we've been dreaming of.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Feeling just a tad normal

All is well in the womb (8w2d). I had ultrasound #3. It showed that we have one baby that is doing everything that it should. The second baby is gone, there is still a small sac, but no heartbeat. I must admit that I am a tiny bit sad that the second baby did not stay. I admit that the idea of twins was exciting. The prospect of having the 2 babies that we've been dreaming of at once was inviting. The tiny bit of saddness is overshaddowed by the joy over the baby that is thriving. The heartbeat is a strong 170, and it is measuring exactly right. I saw it move and for the first time in this whole process I feel like we may actually have a baby in Sept. I have been released to my regular OB. Today I am very happy.

I am also happy to find out that the nurse practitioner(NP) that I have chosen to see in my normal OB office also works for my RE on the weekend as a sonographer. I am ecstatic about this. After the issues I had with the receptionist making the appointment, I am so happy that my NP will have some understanding of what it took for me to get to this point and most likely not argue with me about the due date.

This is our anniversary week. I say week, because there is still debate as to what date we should actually celebrate. In Colorado you can marry yourselves. You go get a license and the only signatures that you need is the bride and groom- no officiant, no wittnesses. We had our wedding in Ohio ( both our families live back there) so we thought it would be easier to marry here and then travel there for the wedding. It was a beautiful wedding. It was small (30 people)- a second wedding for both of us - both of our firsts were big overblown events. We had spectacular food and wonderful wine. This time it was exactly what we wanted. It was the party we wanted, with the people we wanted ( no mystery guests that we didn't know ie. parents friends). To make the perfect wedding complete we honeymooned in Australia for 4 weeks - I loved every minute of it- an amazing trip! So to be quite honest, by the time we are done with Christmas and my birthday we are kinda celebrated out. So there will be no big celebrations, no big gifts...but that is completely OK.


At 9:50 PM, Blogger Jess said...

Awesome...just awesome. Have a great celebration, as quiet as it may be.

At 5:27 AM, Blogger Kristi said...

Yay! I'm glad the baby is doing exactly what he/she should be, and that you have such a nice NP. I have my first OB appt. tomorrow, and I'm hoping for ultrasound #3 then. And happy anniversary! A honeymoon in Australia sounds amazing!

At 4:31 PM, Blogger beagle said...



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