Bad dreams
Day 2 of Birthday Week (actual birthday Monday the 9th)...A bouquet of Iris, scratch off loto tickets, a DVD, and a magazine subscription. The magazine - Redbook. I am a magazine junkie. I just let my Glamour and Cosmo subscriptions run out...It has become blazingly obvious to me that I am neither glamourous or cosmopolitan. It seems I have moved into the "Redbook", "Self" stage of my life. I can only read so many times about the hottest new sex position and getting that second date!
In the last 2 weeks I have been felt up more than my entire life. The feeler is me, woo hoo! I woke up at 1 am this morning and did the feel...nothing. I flipped out, couldn't sleep, and when I did finally fall aspleep I had scarey, bizarre miscarriage dreams. Boobs are back to being soar, whew! However, this could be caused by me poking them.
It seems that these days I am working for one reason - to pay for my every other day blood draws at $240 a pop...They are trying to lower my doses of progesterone and estrogen, and everytime the dose is changed they test my blood. None of this is covered by insurance. My insurance won't pay for anything out of network that they think that they can I'm stuck. Of course I am going to do exactly what the RE tells me to, but I must say I did not really plan on $500 + a week after getting pregnant. I am not complaining (well maybe a little) more like whining, it is not fair that on top of the stress caused by IF and the treatments there is the financial aspect of it. This no coverage stuff really sucks...OK, got that off my chest!
That's right. I forgot your birthday was also your ultrasound date!
Those sound like great gifts, and I think we both have to stop the boob checks, as tempting as doing it might be (and believe me, I'm doing it often)!
Is it Monday yet?
I thoroughly agree. This no coverage stuff DOES really suck. I experience increased heart rate and respiration every time I think about the $$ . . .
On a cheerier note, it's Monday . . . HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Just stopping by to say happy birthday, and to send you good wishes for your ultrasound today!
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