Relax, It'll happen...

A couple trying to become a family. Finally pregnant after infertility & IVF...slowly getting used to the idea that we may actually have the baby we've been dreaming of.

Friday, January 27, 2006

"Honey, lets name the baby after the dog"

Tuesday we attended a class that is required by our clinic. It was a class that goes over the does and don'ts of pregnancy and what to expect as far as Dr visits and info on the hospitals. There were about 10 woman there. T and I are the geriatric parents of the bunch! At 33 (me, barely) and 35 and don't think we are THAT old. We are more or less right on target with our family and friends. We are about 2-3 years behind a lot of the people that we know. But looking around that class you'd think we were setting some world record for oldest people ever to procreate. They all looked in their early 20's. The class was odd for me, the nurse kept talking about the baby and when the baby comes etc. These people evidently think that we will be having a baby, it felt weird because I am just now getting used to the idea that this may actually work. I will be 9 weeks tomorrow. I am starting to relax a little. I have my first OB appointment on Tuesday. There will be another ultrasound (YA!!!).

Today I think that I will start exercising again. I used to run on a very regular basis. I enjoyed training for races, the 1/2 marathon distance is my favorite. This girl has no desire to run the full marathon - EVER! My exercise has severely tapered off in the past year. It was a combo of the advice from the fertility acupuncturist who said that running was bad, that the pounding on my feet was very bad for one of the energies (??) . This coupled with the irrational thought that I should take it easy during the 2ww, as not to jar anything loose (ha, ha) led to my running career being put on hold and my thighs expanding. So, we bought an elliptical. I haven't used it since the end of November. My excuses: the IVF cycle, the 2 ww, the early pregnancy, being tired, when I was spotting and the nurses advice to take it easy... Time for me to get off my ass!

As I mentioned before, I had to out myself at work from the very begining ( I am exposed to x-ray) Now everyone talks about me being pregnant, & "when the baby is born" and people from neighboring departments who I see but don't actually work with have heard the news and are congratulating me. It feels weird. Yesterday a woman from another department congratulated me and then asked "were you guys planning this or is it a surprise?" I nearly choked on my own tongue! I said "no, definitely not, not a surprise" ( then felt the need to explain) I proceeded "This has been a long time coming, It cost a lot of money and time and by the marvels of modern medicine it finally happened" I am so guilty of the need to fill people in on the uneasy, unconventional way that I finally got knocked-up.

The most amusing thing to happen to me this week is related to the birth of one of my good friends first baby. Background: This couple had a dog that was a bit on the looney side. So my friend on various occasions would call a dog psychic to communicate with the nutty dog ( this in itself is odd behavior for these people who are usually very practical and level headed) Anyway when she found out she was pregnant she calls the psychic to see how the dog would handle having a baby in the house. According to the psychic the dog wanted nothing to do with a new baby. This won the nutty pup a one way ticket to a doggy rescue farm ( she later got adopted out). Back to the name... My friend calls after the birth. I ask the sex and name of the baby - girl and Lindsy...she then tells me the entire birthing story. I then ask what the middle name is? "Delta"....they named the baby after the crazy mut! Luckily for me at that moment the baby started to cry and she had to go.


At 8:44 PM, Blogger Jess said...

Oh my God, how funny....did the psychic tell them the dog wanted to leave a legacy?


At 2:50 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

You have no idea how much I wish I lived in CO. I would switch to your doctor in a nanosecond. I'm so jealous of all your ultrasounds, but I'm so happy you're getting them.
I'm slowly but surely not correcting people's "whens" into "ifs" in my head anymore, but I still have yet to break myself of the habit. Happy 9 weeks!

At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just promise me you're not going to name the baby after your pet...

At 9:07 PM, Blogger Chastity said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy! I know exactly how you're feeling, but all the time and expense will defitely be worth it.


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