Visit with the inlaws...complete.
It was a good visit. I spent some good bonding time with my MIL. She is absolutely crazy excited about the baby. She has 5 other grandkids, but confessed to me that she is most excited about this one. She told me that out of her 3 kids she has always looked forward most to T becoming a parent. She said that when it began to look like we may not be able to have kids it broke her heart that he may never be a daddy...It broke my heart too. On to happier things. Instead of hanging out by myself yesterday my MIL and I went to the spa - a massage and a pedicure...it was fabulous. We started the day with a wonderful big breakfast and did a little bit of shopping then went to the spa - back to the condo by 3:30. I couldn't have scripted a better day for myself!
My parents come 2 weeks from this Thursday. My mother is also in full throttle baby mode. I let her tell people this week. I can't believe that she has lasted this long with out exploding. I was going to make her wait until this Sunday because according to one calender that is the start of the second trimester. After further investigation I discovered that there are several theories about when the second trimester starts - I am sticking with the 13 week mark. My mom is definitely pumped up for baby shopping...I am not there yet, but I suppose I have a little over 2 weeks to get there. Hopefully she will be a shopping/buying mood for a little something for expanding me!
Today on my weekly pregnancy update that gets emailed to me it said that my waist "may" be starting to expand and that it would probably be several more weeks before maternity clothes. My big pouchy gut obviously did not get this memo. I have not fit into any of my pants since January and with my buxom chest and pouchy gut my normally petite shirts are too short. Maternity pants are so much more comfy at this point. Luckily work clothes are not an issue, as I wear hospital provided scrubs...it's like wearing jammies all day long.
Thursday I go for the nuchal fold ultrasound/bloodwork with the Perinatologist. I really wish that these screening tests could be earlier. That technology is almost mainstream. I know of a company that is about to release a test that is noninvasive ( a cervical swab) that definitively tests (not just screens) for many chromosomal abnormalities and the sex of the baby as early as 8 weeks. This, however is not useful to me, as the rep ( a pal of mine) tells me that it will not be released until the middle or end of the year and was unable to hook me up...darn it! I tried...
I am feeling more peppy and less queasy. My haircut last week was a big success, the best I've had in ages. I have been turned on to the straightening iron, I must say I almost look hip!
I'm glad you had a good visit! I think we receive the same update (babycentre?) and let me tell you, my waist was expanding weeks ago too. And my boobs have tripled in size. I'm wearing maternity pants to work, and my form-fitting buttondown shirts are too tight, but maternity shirts are still way too big. I hate this in-between stage! I'm jealous of your "jammies." I'd love to wear my PJs to work!
I get that update too. I'm only 8 weeks and my trousers are already too tight. I can't see myself getting to 13 weeks without wearing maternity clothes. I'm already eying maternity pants.
I'm glad you had a nice time with your mother in law.
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