Relax, It'll happen...

A couple trying to become a family. Finally pregnant after infertility & IVF...slowly getting used to the idea that we may actually have the baby we've been dreaming of.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Falling in love with the monkey...


Feeling good, just tired. We had the first OB appointment last Tuesday. It was great. I love the nurse practitioner. We had to wait over an hour to see her, but it was definitely worth the wait. She was with us an hour and fifteen minutes. She did an ultrasound and spent plenty of time talking. I think it is a blessing that she also works at my RE's office. She totally gets it. I realize that technically this pregnancy is now just like any other ( you know, the ones where pregnancy is actually a result of having sex) but emotionally, I'm not there yet. Slowly, we are getting there. This week we are starting to get excited and are starting to believe that there is a very good chance that we will be having a baby come Sept 2.

My advice to my mother to curb her enthusiasm has gone right out the window. She cooperated for the first 8 weeks - that is over. My parents live in OH. They are coming to visit in about 5 weeks ( I'll be 15 weeks when they come) Since we don't see them that often it will be necessary to fit 6 months of mother/daughter bonding into 5 days. She wants to register. This would not be my choice of timing, but since I don't know when we will see them again - 15 weeks it is. She wants to buy us the crib, dresser, stroller and a glider (YA!!!!) She was asking me the other day if I had looked at these things and if I knew what I wanted. No, not exactly. I am not complaining, we are thrilled that they want to be a part of planning for the baby and helping us out by buying some of the big stuff...but it seems odd that in a month we will own a crib.

Last week at work I discovered that the dopplers that we use to listen to patients pulses in their feet are also very effective in listening to the heart. I don't listen long, maybe 10 seconds a couple times a week...but it is the best 10 seconds of the day. At the ultrasound last week we could see the begining of facial features and it was moving all around. I think it looks like a monkey. So until proven otherwise, we are assuming we are having a monkey and that is what we call it. I am so in love with the monkey.

Not much else happening in my life. This coming weekend is the last quiet weekend before a storm of company over the next 6 weeks. T's mom and husband, my parents, T's dad and wife, some I am enjoying doing nothing at the moment. Today we go to have our taxes done. This morning I added up the total of medical bills for the year...$36,528 (this is all IF, we do have health insurance) Yes, the Lexus that I've been wanting is in my uterus. We have our fingers crossed for a big refund!


At 8:11 AM, Blogger Kristi said...

I'm so glad your appointment went well. That's great news. And I know what you mean about hearing the heartbeat on the doppler. It is the best sound in the world.
My mom is also going off the deep end. We just told her this past Sunday, and she is already inundating me with emails and wants me to have a shower list done by this weekend! I told her it is WAY too early to plan a shower. So many people believe pregnancy=guaranteed baby in 9 months.

At 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I came across your blog through a link on another IF blog and coincidentally, I'm also in Colorado! Normally I would e-mail with a question like this, but I didn't see a link to e-mail you. First, congratulations on finally getting pregnant! Second, I'm curious what RE you were treated by (I'm assuming somewhere in/near Denver?). I'm going through secondary infertility and have recently resumed treatment on Clomid after an extended break. I don't know that we'll ever go the IVF route for financial reasons, but just in case I like to keep good RE's in mind. And, since yours helped give you the desired result, s/he gets credit for being a good one :-)


At 1:06 PM, Blogger D said...

Adrienne, We went to Dr Schoolcraft with the Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine. He has several offices around the Denver area. I really liked him and also had contact with 2 of the other docs in his office and liked them as well. They primarily deal with IVF. This past year, Child magazine rated the best fertility clinics in the country and this one was #1. Their statistics are rather impressive. I have nothing but good things to say about them and the office staff.

Good luck!

At 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just as I suspected...thanks!



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