Relax, It'll happen...

A couple trying to become a family. Finally pregnant after infertility & IVF...slowly getting used to the idea that we may actually have the baby we've been dreaming of.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

The wait is half over...

The title is about as optimistic as I am getting today. No other way to say it other than - Waiting Sucks! BIG TIME... This, however is not news to anyone.

My bedrest went good. Finally I have found something in the whole infertility thing that I excel at! T was wonderful and was very good at sympathy bedrest - he works from home, so not a lot of work got done this week. Lots of movies, lots of take out.

Today I got a progesterone level drawn. I am on the Prometrium. The Dr left it up to me whether I wanted the shots or the "hoochie caps"... I picked the later of the two. I really drilled him about which was better and he said that if one was the slightest bit better than there wouldn't be a choice. I hate shots! Being a nurse, I have no problem inflicting pain on others - I don't do a good job on the other end. I requested the blood draw today because historically I have had issues with spotting a short luteal phases...they like to see anything higher than 8 (with the prometrium) mine was 23.6 - I am happy with that.

The prometrium has its own set of issues. The obvious ones don't need to be mentioned. I am supposed to lay down 30-45 min after inserting it 3 x day. This means that right in the middle of the day I have to lay down. Luckily, I have an office. So I took my thermarest ( small, very thin blow up pad used for backpacking) and there are lots of pillows, I am in a hospital. So during my lunch I lay on my office floor. I am sure that I will fall asleep and hours later they will find me. My boss knows what I am doing - she is quite understanding, but I have not exactly announced to everyone else that I will be taking a daily "hoochie cap nap".

My Beta is scheduled for next Sat...Christmas Eve. I think that I will test on Friday morning. I am off that day until the following Thursday. That is good, it will give me time to process the good or the bad...God, I hope its good. That's all I want for this Christmas and every Christmas for the rest of my life.


At 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't imagine having a beta on christmas eve, what a challenge that would be. I'm with you - test on the 23rd, that will be a bit easier. could they not also move your beta up a day?

Wish I could set up my office with a pillow - but everyone can see in from teh corridor!

At 4:42 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

Thanks for visiting my blog the other day. I have everything crossed that you will receive the best Christmas present ever. I'm with Thalia. Though I didn't do it myself, I would POAS on the 23rd. A beta on the 24th seems like too much to handle. I truly hope this is it for you. Keep us updated!

At 11:06 AM, Blogger April said...

Glad to see that you're taking care of yourself, as well as you can right now.

Wishing you the best.


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