Relax, It'll happen...

A couple trying to become a family. Finally pregnant after infertility & IVF...slowly getting used to the idea that we may actually have the baby we've been dreaming of.

Friday, December 02, 2005


Yesterday was ultrasound #1 - one word describes my progress - slow...There were at least 8 follicles (she said possibly a few more) they are all still pretty small. I am a bit disappointed( a double digit would have been nice) but not surprised.At least there were more than when I had my resting follicle count.My E2 was 58 - like I said, slow.... So at this point we are hoping for quality versus quantity, because obviously the quantity is not there. No change in my meds, no ultrasound today. Monitoring will resume tomorrow.

My sister sent us flowers yesterday. They said " We love you and are thinking of you" It brought me to tears. It finallys seems like someone, other than T and me, gets that this is a big deal. That this is stressful and a lot is at stake.

It's amazing how quickly you get used to being stuck with a needle at least 4 x a day. It is odd, sometimes that menopur feels like I am having acid injected into my belly and sometimes it doesn't sting at all - weird. Time seems to be going pretty quick. Instead of my life being in 2 week increments it is now in 12 hour increments ( shots at 6 and 6) Time seems to go quicker this way. But shooting up is not really my preferance of ways to pass the time.

I have a three day weekend. We are headed out the door to go out for breakfast. I will do Christmas shopping today - should be easy since I am only buying for T. We want to go see a movie or two this weekend. I for sure want to see " Walk the Line" , but am unsure of what else. Sunday we will head up to the mountains with some friends to cut our Christmas tree. We do this every year and then have a tail-gate party in the snow. This year my partying will be without the eggnog and wine - bummer! I know that if I ever get pregnant I will have no problem not drinking - but I must admit that the "just in case abstaining" really sucks!


At 11:03 AM, Blogger April said...

Thinking of you here as well.

At 1:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I hate the abstaining thing, too. it's so hard -and it's been going on so long by now with nothing to show for it! Hope you had a fun weekend.


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