Relax, It'll happen...

A couple trying to become a family. Finally pregnant after infertility & IVF...slowly getting used to the idea that we may actually have the baby we've been dreaming of.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Thankful to be moving forward...

The last BCP! Yaaa! Tomorrow I go to the RE for my ultrasound and the lupron consult-lupron starts Thanksgiving morning. Things feel like they are moving forward. I have been in an amazingly good mood and this is definitely helping the time go by a bit faster.

I will be on the Lupron for 2 days then begins stims. I am pretty sure that by next week I will need a warning sign on me. " Approach at your own risk, extremely hormonal, anxious, bloated woman - second thought, don't approach at all".

I am now in full swing anti-germ mode. I seriously do not want to get sick. I spend a good amount of time at work wiping things down with disinfectant (especially in my office) and washing my hands even more fanatically than normal. T informed me last night that he had a soar throat. I about came unglued. I told him that he couldn't be sick that a fever may kill off all his sperm - now keep in mind it was just a little scratch and there is no sign of a fever - poor guy...

I am a nurse. My mother is a hyperchondriac. She has multiple ailments at any given time. She expects me to be an expert in all areas of medicine, although the only organ I know much about is the heart. Like the devoted daughter that I am I research every new problem and medication. I make an effort to learn about her real or perceived illnesses. It makes me angry that she has not reciprocated this in the least bit. Infertility is the first real problem I have encountered in my 32 years - I know that I am lucky to have been blessed with good health. My mom has made no effort to learn anything about infertility or specifically IVF. As a result, she asks me really stupid questions and that in turn annoys me to death! I feel bad, I feel like I should have more patience with her. My parents are leaving for a cruise on Thanksgiving and will not be returning for 10 days. This means that I will have no contact with her through the duration of the stims....I am thrilled! And since she has very little clue about the rest of the procedure I will not be sharing the exact dates of retrieval/transfer as I don't want to have to worry about sharing news the day we get it. I could be wrong, but I think that no matter if it is a success or failure, we will need time to digest the news on our own. It also helps that we live 2000 miles from all sets of parents. Most of the time I don't like being so far away - this is not one of those times.

Thanksgiving will be spent with friends. Most of our friends are transplants like us, so we spend lots of holidays together. We are in charge of dessert (apple and pumpkin pie and chocolate cake) mashed potatoes and an appetizer. Last year we did not have appetizers - this turned out to be a big mistake. We started the morning out by running the Turkey Trot (5 miles) got ready at home then went to our friends house without eating any lunch. Historically they have not had the best luck with Turkeys (one year they poisoned everyone) yet we continue to go back. Last year they did not thaw the bird enough and the dinner that was projected to be done at 2 was not done until 7. There was a lot of time with not a lot of food and a whole lot of wine! Needless to say a good time was had by all.

Originally we had volunteered to host Thanksgiving. We later changed our minds as there was a chance of needing to go to the RE that morning and I didn't want to deal with all of that. We do have a lot to be thankful for, I reallize this everyday. I hope that next year we have one more thing to be thankful for. But, in the mean time I think of the words that get me thru many days, "Never take for granted the gift of an ordinary day".


At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope it all went well with the RE today, and that you're happily cooking all that good-sounding food right now.


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